Ave Maria School of Law students understand the value of experience. Our students recognize that experience with legal employers:
- Enhances their academic development with professional development.
- Builds a foundation for their legal career.
- Eases them into the legal work environment.
- Engages them with the legal community.
Employers seeking legal interns may hire Ave Maria School of Law students as externships for academic credit, paid interns or work study interns, or a student may volunteer as an intern. Volunteer opportunities are most often through not-for-profit organizations where a student may earn pro bono credit for volunteering his/her time in advance of providing their legal skills to underserved communities.
Students can seek legal intern or extern opportunities through the Ave Maria School of Law On Campus Recruitment program held each semester. Employers may use this opportunity to interview current law students for internships, externships, work study and summer associate positions. Employers may sign up to participate in OCR by completing the OCR Request Form below, or by emailing Professional Development at opd@avemarialaw.edu.
Informational interviews are also an option if your firm or organization is considering hiring options.