(239) 687-5300
Is admitted to Ave Maria Law and is a resident of, or attends college in, the state of Michigan or the greater Toledo area. The determination of residency shall be based on the facts and circumstances of each candidate.
Is admitted to Ave Maria Law and is a resident of, or attends college in, the state of Michigan or the greater Toledo area. The determination of residency shall be based on the facts and circumstances of each candidate.
As an alternative, candidates can meet the residency requirement if they graduated from a college or university located in the state of Michigan or the Toledo area.
Candidates must have an LSAT score and GPA above the 75th percentile
Candidates may submit a letter of recommendation from their Catholic parish priest that attests to their personal character and commitment to their faith.
Alternatively, in lieu of the letter of recommendation, candidates may submit a personal statement of between 500 and 1,500 words that demonstrates exceptional potential in furthering the mission of Ave Maria Law and how their experience in the Michigan/Toledo area has influenced their lives.
Candidates who are not eligible for the Michigan (& Toledo area) stipend, but are admitted to Ave Maria Law, may otherwise be eligible for Academic Excellence Scholarships.
*Renewable based on law school GPA